Sunday, September 2, 2007

Marathon scrappin Day!

We made our scrappin field trip into a scrappin marathon! We started at 9am with a coffee stop followed by a visit to a scrapbook store, then lunch at Chili's, then another scrapbook store where we met up with another scrappin buddy and then we came to my house to create new things with our findings! I bought my first 6 x12" album. I'm excited to put the 6x12" layouts I've been working on into it! We scrapped 'til almost midnight. I love scrappin with other people, I ALWAYS learn something new. Deb turned me on to UN-DO, that stuff is AMAZING!! Denny enjoyed my trip also because he was able to fish all day! Poor Allie had to work! Sorry you couldn't make it Stacy, maybe next time!


com2looneybin said...

That was such a great time with everyone we need to do that real soon..... Missed You Stacy

Anonymous said...

Hey, great photo of us ....NOT! (me anyway!) hahaha